When we use our money to buy positive experiences we gain more. Not something I have always thought of mostly because we don’t usually think about the long term effects our purchases have on our lives. Like when we are in a bad mood...we are likely to spend the most and studies show that we are likely to spend FOUR times as much money for something. But when we buy experiences we get several benefits...looking forward to the event, the event itself and in some case (the hope is that we...) have decades of fond memories. Think about everything you spend your money on...we relive our memories much more than our material possessions. While I love my material possessions...alone they don’t make me the happiest.
Hey Liz (I take it that is what you like to be called). I will have to say that you are a very talented and bright young women, and I think anybody that has read any of what you have to say and tell that. I have to say I have met you (I know that sounds creepy, but just hear me out) and I can tell that from the little conversations we have had you have a lot more potential than you lead on. I know you must feel very discouraged sometimes when you see no comments on here, because that must make you think that nobody is reading this thing. Stick with it though because you are doing a great job and you are very helpful to me and I know you must be to others as well. Ok now for me to let you know how I know who you are. The picture you have posted on here is the same one that you have hanging on the picture rail above your desk. See you on Wednesday ;)