My challenge yesterday...success! So successful that I think I will do it again today.
We spend a lot of time at its helpful when we love the people we work with. Is a good boss as important as a good doctor?...I think this question is interesting and I love what it implies...A good boss is just as important as a good doctor. Our bosses have some of the greatest potential to shape us, help us and change us. A lot can be learned and gained from a good boss. Which leads me to an unfortunate finding about the person we least enjoy being around...”Of all the categories people ranked, from friends to relatives to coworkers to children, they ranked the time they spend with their managers as being the worst time of the day” (in some cases even lower than chores and cleaning the house). No wonder we don’t like work...
Which leads me to my favorite new tradition at work, its what I like to call.... “Wednesday lunch”. For the past few Wednesdays our triangle team, (I like to think of us as the decision makers) which includes my manager and visual, go to lunch together. It has been the greatest way to connect and reminds me that we are all just people- and I happen to be able to learn a lot from my manager. I am guilty of this....we are afraid to ask for help or insight from others..especially our managers “in fear of...”, but really if they are anything like mine...people want to help you more than you think.
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